Bonneville Speed Week 2022: Our First Photos From The Salt!

Bonneville Speed Week 2022: Our First Photos From The Salt!

( Photos by Wes Allison )It’s Bonneville Speed Week infant! This is a wonderful season. And because I have actually been the first car down the lengthy training course at Bonneville, after sunrise on a specifically stunning Sunday morning, I can tell you that there is no place like it which’s a good thing. Bonneville is an event, a race, a history lesson, a household get-together, and so a lot more. It pains me to say that I am not mosting likely to get on the salt this year, but with everything taking place we thought it wise to just send out one man and maintain things easy. You recognize, like all the years I covered Bonneville all by myself for a week. Just with a much better professional photographer, since Wes Allison is a badass. As well as we can’t wait to see whatever he captures from the SCTA/BNI Speed Week at Bonneville!

We already uploaded a gallery from the Nugget Car Show first event and we’ll have more and more galleries coming throughout the week. We will likely be running more than one gallery daily for the first couple of days at the very least, much like you have actually come to anticipate from us. We’ll have on track, in the pits, and also cars and truck show images from the entire occasion.

This year Bonneville’s salt conditions are going to be the talk of the community, with only 2 programs set up rather than the 3 or four that have actually become the norm in recent times. To make issues much more interesting there has allowed rain that began Friday evening as well as underwent Saturday which means the begin of racing has been delayed. We still have pictures from Friday both at the Nugget program and also on the salt, so check out the first gallery listed below as well as utilize the link to see our various other galleries also.

As we state, this is our initial gallery of pictures from the salt as well as we’ll have tons of them coming throughout the week as Wes fires everything he can aim a video camera at.


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